THE DEPOT THEATER IS CELEBRATING 40 YEARS!! Ask about our special discount ticket pricing for groups over 10!

Policies and Accommodations


Accessible Seating
Wheelchair accessible seating is located in the Depot Theater and in the Homestead Theater. Seating is limited to one wheelchair per table.

Assisted Listening Devices 
Assisted Listening Devices are available on a “first come, first serve” basis at no charge to patrons with hearing difficulties. Please inquire at the Box Office upon arrival .

Spanish Language Translation 
Headsets are available for Spanish translation for designated performances on a “first come, first serve” basis at no charge to patrons. Please inform the Box Office when making reservations.

Access to the second floor is available for those with mobility issues via the lobby elevator.

Ticket Policies

Reservations Policy
Reservations and payment for theater shows must be made at the time of purchase. Same day reservations will be accepted on a space-available basis with no dinner. 

Patrons may choose their seats online at the time of purchase. While we cannot guarantee reserved seating, we will make every effort to accommodate groups and specific table/seating requests. 

Cancellations Policy
All sales are final. If the Depot Theater may have cause to cancel a performance or event, an email will be sent to ticket holders and posts will be made on our website and Facebook page. Ticket holders may reschedule subject to availability or receive a refund.

Refund Policy
We do not currently offer any refunds or exchanges for future productions. All sales are final.

Non Discrimination Statement

The Depot Theater, a not-for-profit organization, is committed to equal opportunities and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy and genetic information consistent with the applicable state and federal laws. 

Illegal discrimination, harassment, and retaliation are prohibited. As such, The Depot Theater organization has established policies and procedures for employees, participants, and community members to file reports of acts that fall under these definitions.

The following offices have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies at The Depot Theater: President of the Board – Mike Salem email: or phone (620) 225-1001, or 504 Coordinator Gayla Rodenbur – PO Box 254 Ingalls, KS (316) 651-6965.