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The Long Branch Variety Show ’83

A Long Branch Variety Show celebrating the 'Wild West' and Dodge City. PERFORMANCE DATES: 1983 CAST and CREW: Connie Hudnett, Greg Smith, Ray Mettling, Amy Brax, Ken Dean, Tod Demuth, Walt Hudnett, Doug Kramer, Sara McFarland, Don Pfister, Candi Pyle, Mischel Raney, Brian Richardson, Jana Ross, Christie Walder, Stage Manager - Doug Austen MUSICIANS: Doc. […]

Sundance/The Drunkards Wife

Did you know, the Dodge City Depot Theater Company started out as the Boot Hill Museum Repertory Company back in March of 1984? The first dinner theater production consisted of two one act plays one presented in the Old House Saloon Boot Hill Museum.  Sundance was a good example of a new form of play […]

Count Dracula

In this performance at the Dodge City Old House Saloon Boot Hill Museum, Count Dracula by playwright Ted Tiller was reworked from Bram Stoker's classic story of the suave vampire, updating the setting to 1930's England, and adding comedic elements. PERFORMANCE DATES: October 27-November 3, 1984 CAST: Sybil Seward - Amy Brax, Hennessey - Doug […]

A Long Branch Christmas ’84

A celebration of the season in song and dance. PERFORMANCE DATES: December 6-9, 1984 CAST: Jill Austen, Doug Austen, Kim Blattner, Stacy Bamgardner, Amy Brax, Teresa Buchanan, Deborah Eades, Tania Hopkins, Doug Kramer, Callie Lyons, Sara McFarland, Candi Pyle, Mischel Raney, Brian Richardson, Jana Ross, Kent Ross, Roberta Scott, Greg Smith, Julie Stapleton, Brenton Surgenor, […]

Dames at Sea

Dames at Sea, an Off Broadway hit that brought stardom to Bernadette Peters, the play was a campy show based on the nostalgia of Hollywood musicals of the 1930’s. The story focuses on big-time New York City, into which sweet little Ruby from faraway Hometown, U.S.A. has come to make it big on Broadway. Who […]

The House of Blue Leaves

This play is set in Sunnyside, Queens in 1965, on the day Pope Paul VI visited New York City. This dark comedy featured a zookeeper who dreams of making it big in Hollywood as a songwriter, his wife Bananas, their son - a GI headed for Vietnam, a trio of nuns, Artie's friend - Billy […]

A Long Branch Christmas ’85

A celebration of the season. PERFORMANCE DATES: December 1985 CAST and CREW: Doug Austen, Jill Austen, Heather Birney, Amy Brax, Gordon Day, Ken Dean, Tod Demuth, Theresa Eades, Dean Freeman, connie Hudnett, Stephanie McMullough, Sara McFarland, Barry Metcalf, Ray Mettling