THE DEPOT THEATER IS CELEBRATING 40 YEARS!! Ask about our special discount ticket pricing for groups over 10!

The Long Branch Variety Show ’83

A Long Branch Variety Show celebrating the 'Wild West' and Dodge City. PERFORMANCE DATES: 1983 CAST and CREW: Connie Hudnett, Greg Smith, Ray Mettling, Amy Brax, Ken Dean, Tod Demuth, Walt Hudnett, Doug Kramer, Sara McFarland, Don Pfister, Candi Pyle, Mischel Raney, Brian Richardson, Jana Ross, Christie Walder, Stage Manager - Doug Austen MUSICIANS: Doc. […]

Sundance/The Drunkards Wife

Did you know, the Dodge City Depot Theater Company started out as the Boot Hill Museum Repertory Company back in March of 1984? The first dinner theater production consisted of two one act plays one presented in the Old House Saloon Boot Hill Museum.  Sundance was a good example of a new form of play […]