The action centers around Truvy's beauty parlor and some women who regularly gather there. The drama begins on the morning of Shelby's wedding to Jackson and covers events over the next three years, including Shelby's decision to have a child despite having diabetes and the complications that result from the decision. We also get a […]
This play is set in the fictional town of Tuna, Texas, the "third-smallest" town in the state. It is at once an affectionate comment on small-town, Southern life and attitudes but also a withering satire of same. The play is notable in that three men play the entire cast of over twenty eccentric characters of […]
It was an unpublished musical written especially for radio that was found in a record bin in New York City. The authors agreed that the Museum Repertory Company should perform it. PERFORMANCE DATES: October 26 - November 11, 1989 CAST: Daisy Durant - Karen Warshaw, Myrna - Amy Reinert, Marshall Heatherington Asbury - Ken Dean, […]
Some Things You Need to Know Before the World Ends explored issues of blind faith and organized religion through the characters of Reverend Eddie and Brother Lawrence, survivors of an apocalypse who have taken shelter in their church. As Reverend Eddie prepares his final sermon, his grip on reality and his faith are challenged by […]
What do you get when you take five women with nothing better to do than put on a show, combine that with murder mystery, and add in an over-abundance of errors and missed cues? You get a play that required five of the company's seasoned veterans to put on a show that looked like an […]
When four housewives are desperately seeking a change in their lives, what do they do? In the old days they used to get together and it was called kaffee-klatsch, in the 80's they turn their lives around by forming a hard rock band and entering a talent contest! Angry Housewives was a big, fun splash […]
The main characters of the play are George and Maggie Antrobus, their two children, Henry and Gladys, and Sabina, who appears as the family's maid in the first and third acts, and as a beauty queen temptress in the second act. The play's action takes place in a modern setting, but is full of anachronisms […]
The story follows five of the 19 surviving Little Sisters of Hoboken, a one-time missionary order that ran a leper colony on an island south of France, who discover that their cook, Sister Julia - Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two residents of the convent with her tainted vichyssoise while they were off […]
The play focuses on aging Al Lewis and Willy Clark, a one-time vaudevillian team known as "Lewis and Clark" who, over the course of forty-odd years, not only grew to hate each other but never spoke to each other off-stage throughout the final year of their act. The stubborn Clark, who was not ready for […]
The play centers on the lives of three Jewish widows. Lifetime friends - Ida, Doris and Lucille are part of a club, The Cemetery Club. Every month they meet at Ida's house in New York for tea then trundle off to the cemetery to remember the good times and gossip with deceased husbands. Ida is […]
"If you're going to tell a lie, tell a whopper," yells Dr. Mortimore as events begin to spin deliriously out of control. Inadvertently, he's identifying, in the midst of his panic, the motor that propels all the best farces. Deception, mistaken identities, double-entendres, puns and flapping doors fuel this high octane comedy. Set in the […]
The play, written by Rick Lewis, is the male version of his earlier piece – The Taffetas. At the time it was selected by the Repertory Company, it was as yet unpublished and still in development. The company had hoped to produce a similar boy-group piece but it was not available for community theater yet […]