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Olympus On My Mind

October 13, 1988 - October 29, 1988

This musical comedy spoof about the mythical god Jupiter relates the story of his transformation from a “wild and crazy god” into a deity of love and compassion. The setting is ancient Greece in the city of Thebes. The Chorus introduces itself with “Welcome to Greece” and Jupiter arrives, weary of life on Mount Olympus, and determined to have an affair with a beautiful mortal woman, the virtuous Alcmene, wife of General Amphitryon who has been away fighting the Spartans. Jupiter, with some help from his son Mercury, disguises himself as Amphitryon and has a romantic involvement with Alcmene. The following day, Amphitryon returns, singing of what a wonderful welcome he is expecting from his wife. When she does see him, the confusion begins.

PERFORMANCE DATES: October 13-29, 1988

CAST: Jupiter (Ruler of the Univers) – Kelly Carroll, Mercury (His son) – KC Trauer, General Amphytrion – George Spelvin, Sosia (Slave to Amphytrion) – Ken Dean, Alcmene (Amphytrion’s wife) – Sara McFarland, Charis (Alcmene’s handmaidern) – Deana Reimer, Delores – Karen Warshaw, Tom – Jim Johnson, Dick – Roger Maas, Horace – Greg Smith, Maxine – Jana Ross, Laverne – Jill Austen, Floris – Amy Reinert

ORCHESTRA/BAND: Music Director/Piano – Kent Ross, Keyboard – Doug Austen, Percussion – Rick Matticks

CREW: Director – Don Steele, Stage Manager – Keith Reimer and Mary Beth Riegel, Set Design – Lyn Yost, Keith Reimer, KC Trauer, Cliff Clifton,Carleen Clifton Smith, Claudia Finley, Costume Design -Carolyn Johnson, Naomi Fenton, Jana Ross, Jim Johnson, Light Board Operator – Lyn Yost

MENU: Greek egg and lemon soup, baked chicken and dressing, green beans, roll with butter, apple cobbler.  Catering provided by: Faye Trent, Brona Love, Barbara Woodall, Deb White, Darleen Smith, Claudia Finley, Carolyn Smith, Becky Matticks, Barry Metcalf.



October 13, 1988
October 29, 1988
Event Category: